Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at


Double Branch Elementary will once again have “Talent Day” for students during their music class!

Talent Day will follow the schedule below. We will extend into the following week if needed. This event is a fun event intended to give students a chance to perform for their classmates in a small setting. This event is only open to students.


May 13th -Monday music classes
May 14th- Tuesday music classes
May 15th- Wednesday music classes
May 16th- Thursday music classes
May 17th- Friday music classes

We encourage students to consider taking part in “Talent Day”. Talents may include storytelling, magic, comedy, drama/skit, poetry, gymnastics, dance, vocal, instrumental etc. Talents may not exceed two minutes in length. We will have our sound system set up for music as well as mats for gymnastics, a microphone and piano. Students must bring everything needed for their talent (They will need to bring their music on a thumb drive or email the performance link to us, costume, props etc.) to school and be ready to perform on their music day. Students need to practice their talent at home and be well prepared to perform for their class. After previewing your child’s talent, please sign below giving your child permission to perform for their music class. Signed permission slips must be returned in order for students to perform their talent. If music is needed for their talent, students must have their song approved by Mrs. Coyne and Miss. Collins.

Mrs. Coyne & Miss Collins,

Talent Day Form:
Student’s Name_______________________________________________________
Music Day___________________________________________________________
Classroom Teacher___________________________________________________
Description of talent: (If your child is performing a musical selection, please include song title/artist/ composer)

My child has practiced and performed his/her talent for me and it is appropriate for presentation at school.
___________________________________________________ Parent Signature

Please return forms to Mrs. Coyne & Miss. Collins – NOT your classroom teachers. Please bring this form to us before your music day so we have an idea of how many students will be performing in your class. Thanks!