Welcome to DBES Chorus Page!

Welcome back, Ranchers! I am excited to begin another school year of music making!

Please read the information below if you are interested in joining chorus this year!

Sign-ups are below the following letter: 

Chorus Sign-Ups 2024-2025

August 23rd, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

            We are excited to start our DBES 3rd – 5th Grade chorus for the 2024-2025 school year! Chorus is a yearlong program with many opportunities for students to perform.

            Rehearsals will take place in the music room on Wednesday mornings from 8:45 a.m.-9:30 a.m. and will begin on September 11th, 2024.

            Attendance at all rehearsals is mandatory, since there is limited rehearsal time before our concerts. If your child is ill, please email, write a note, or call the school to let us know. If your child misses more than three unexcused rehearsals, they may be asked not to return to chorus.

            Please note that for your child’s safety, students may not be dropped off or arrive before 8:45 a.m. since there is not supervision for your child until 8:45 a.m. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter! We look forward to working with your students this school year!

Please review this contract with your child and submit the form below by September 10th.


Miss Bethanie Collins & Mrs. Jennifer Coyne

Double Branch Elementary Music Teachers

YouTube Link to Holiday Concert 2023

YouTube Link to Spring Concert 2024